Allow me to introduce myself

 ðŸŒ¹Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Hello! My name is Patricia, and since August 2014, I've been spreading the art of knitting through social media. My vision is to continue a noble task that has been passed down from person to person for decades and to use the internet to reach many more people.

I learned to knit when I was 7 years old, making clothes for dolls and accessories for myself. Crochet and knitting needles have accompanied me throughout my life. Now, with more time available, it’s time to enjoy knitting and sharing it with others.

On this website, I share what I’ve learned and what can be useful for you to develop your own knitting experience. You’ll find advice, tips, videos, explained patterns, research, and shared experiences in these pages, all with love, so that this beautiful knitting activity continues to be appreciated and enjoyed by everyone who visits this site.

I've been sharing on my blogs what has helped me advance in the art of knitting, and it’s freely available online. You can find it on my blogs: "Todo Crochet," "Patrones para Crochet," and "Crochet y dos agujas patrones," where there are more than 5000 crochet and knitting patterns and tutorials, all neatly organized in "Categories."

I am not a knitting teacher or instructor. Neither was my grandmother, my mother, nor my godmother. However, all of them knew how to teach me and share their love for this art. I intend to do the same for anyone who wishes to receive it.

This is a little bit of my story for now. If you’ve read all of this, you know me a little better. Thank you for dreaming with me and being part of the thread and weave that connects us across the world.