Stitches and Yarn Calculator

Guide to use it:
  1. Enter stitches per 10 cm: Input the number of stitches you have in a 10 cm sample.
  2. Enter rows per 10 cm: Input the number of rows you have in a 10 cm sample.
  3. Enter desired width in cm: Type the final width you want for your project in centimeters.
  4. Enter desired height in cm: Type the final height you want for your project in centimeters.
  5. Enter yarn consumption per 10 cm²: Enter how many grams of yarn are needed to crochet a 10 cm² sample.
  6. Click "Calculate": Press the button to calculate the number of stitches, rows, and the amount of yarn needed for your project.
  7. Review the result: Check the number of stitches, rows, and grams of yarn required.
Crochet Stitch and Yarn Calculator

Crochet Stitch and Yarn Calculator